02 June, 2011

Tribute in the press

In Cajamarca, both the written and televised media, with their associated web elements, have given broad coverage of the tribute which the Provincial Municipality gave to our Network of Rural Libraries for its 40th anniversary.

On principle, communication represents the space where each person has the possibility to connect with others. 

In the case of the newspaper Panorama Cajamarquino, the editor Jaime Abanto Padilla has not only dedicated editorials to the experiences of the Network, but has carried out and published an extensive interview with our colleague Alfredo Mires (http://www.panoramacajamarquino.com/noticia/la-red-de-bibliotecas
-rurales-es-una-gesta-comunal/), which, in many ways, reconstructs the history of the Network; a history very well described with the headline “The Network of Rural Libraries is a Communal Venture”.     

For those who participate in this experience, reading each of the paragraphs of the interview reminds us that we are part of a big family whose strength comes from the capacity to share and transmit our knowledge, maintaining ourselves in space and time.  Those who were not aware of these exploits know that after 40 years with the books on the ground, this tribute is simply to all those colleagues who tirelessly make the Network a communal encounter, using the book as a tool of encouragement.   

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